Monday, August 15, 2011

Why do we need money?

As part of our Numeracy session today we talked about why we need money. After the discussion we came to the understanding that we need money for most things in our life - food, shelter, warmth, transport, clothing, sport, education and the list goes on.
We discovered that shops sell different items. We were given the task of creating our own shop and pricing the items in our shop. No items could cost more than $2.

After we had priced our items and made signs for our shops we went on a learning walk to each other's shops. We discovered -
*each shop sold someting different
*the items were quite cheap
*some items had the same price
*one shop had their own web address
*one item was priced at 1c (we discussed the concept of rounding with this item)
*some shops stood out because their signs were bright

Tomorrow we have time to go shopping! We have 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1 and $2 coins to use when we are shopping. We are wondering what we can buy.


Anonymous said...

Great learning Juniors.I loved your thinking!


what happens if you have NO MONEY? Or not enough for tomorrow?

Mrs Yore

Mrs Yore

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Yore,
We are very lucky in our class because we can make our own money! We will never run out.
From Junior D

Mperry said...

Hello Junior D,
How do you make your money and shops? What do you need? What do you do?


Anonymous said...

Hi Mperry,
We needed items to sell, labels to price our items and money to go shopping with. We made our money out of paper and we had cash registers in some of the shops. Have you ever made a shop?
From Junior D and Mrs David

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