Thursday, September 22, 2011

Our Inquiry Action

Yesterday we cooked lunch for the Seniors of our Parish and the mums that have cooked with us during our inquiry unit ~ Masterchef.
We prepared and cooked a three course meal for our guests.
The first course was either pumpkin or chicken and corn soup.
The second course was salad or tuna sandwiches.
The third course was fresh fruit salad.
After preparing the meal we set the tables and decorated the hall. At 1pm we greeted our guests and served our meal. In between each course we performed our dances for our production.
It was the best action we could have made in our attempt to answer our rich question for our Inquiry ~ How can we create a healthy meal to share at St. Lukes?

I liked going to the elderly and talking to them about our learning. Even though I was scared to dance. It turned out to be fun. (Chloe)
I really enjoyed talking to the mums and the elderly people. (Tessa)
I enjoyed serving the parishoners the fruit salad. I also enjoyed performing our dances. (Adol)
I liked dancing. (Angus)
I liked it when we were dancing for our guests and I liked it when they said thank you for their lunch. (Connor)
I enjoyed dancing and serving the lunch. (Ava)
I enjoyed doing the dance and serving the food to our Parish. One of the Parish people said they liked our dance. (Natasha)
I liked setting up the lunch and talking to the people. (Josen)
I enjoyed dancing and singing. The clapped! (Jack)
I enjoyed doing the dancing for the elderly, serving the fruit salad and talking to the elderly about what we have learnt about food. (Jamie M.)
I enjoyed dancing and talking to the Parish and giving the food. (Kitty)
I enjoyed dancing and singing. (Grace)
I had a great time at the luncheon. I liked doing the dance and serving. (Ben)

Why I Love Bubbles

WHY I LOVE BUBBLES! by jdavid on Storybird

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Story

We have had another go as a class to create a story together. Let us know what you think. Have we improved?

Little Donuts by jdavid on Storybird

Celebration of Learning Term 3

Last Friday we had the opportunity to showcase our learning for the first time to others in our school and to visit two other classes to see what they had been learning about this term.
Below are some of the reflections we made after our visit.
  1. We discovered some new word games.
  2. We discovered the steps you need to go through to make a model of something. You need to plan, make a prototype and then test it.
  3. We are looking forward to being Seniors so we can build things.
  4. They play great table games in MMY.
  5. Super Clubs look like fun.
  6. It was a bit scary presenting our learning in front of other grades but we felt better at the end - Tessa, Piers and Natasha
We really enjoyed our first Celebration of Learning.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

3D Shape Explorations

We had to create a house using materials from our homes. We used boxes, corks, margarine containers, yoghurt containers, lids, plastic bottles and paper towel cylinders. We used masking tape, sticky tape and glue to make the pieces stick together.

While we were making our houses we discovered that it is easier to build with cubes, cuboids and cylinders. We created some amazing houses!

Circles and Squares

Circle and Square Pictures on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Procedural Writing

This term we have been reading and writing procedural pieces. They have been in the form of recipes,directions and instructions.
This week we have written a procedure on how to get from one place in the classroom to another place. We had to start each step with a verb. When we read out our instructions for someone to follow we realised that they had to be very specific. We also found out that it is useful to follow the instructions yourself before giving them to someone else.

Today we read directions on how Red Riding Hood could get to Grandma's house. After reading the diections we worked with a partner and drew a  map of the path Red Riding Hood took to reach Grandma's. While drawing the map we discovered that we couldn't draw the places she walked through too big because our map wouldn't fit on the page. We also realised that some maps need a 'key' for the reader to understand them.
This was a great activity to see if we could work in a team and produce a piece of work while respecting the ideas presented by each person.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Our Storybird Stories

During this week we have been creating collaborative stories. Each of us worked with a partner and added to the stories each day. After adding to the stories we read them as a class and used the editing process to improve the stories. We enjoyed exploring storybird! Please read our stories.

Sophie by jdavid on Storybird

Sneeky Bunnies on Storybird

Our Footy/Father's Day

Last Friday we got to school early to have breakfats with our dads. After a scrumptious breakfast some of us went out on to the oval to kick the footy with our dads.
Just before school began we got a BIG surprise! Our new teacher Mrs Klein bought in the 2010 AFL Premiership Cup to show us. Some of our dads couldn't stop touching it! Thank you Mrs Klein.