We would like to say welcome to our quadblogging buddies. We have enjoyed finding out about what you are doing at school and we look forward to sharing our learning journey with you all this week.
We have prepared a Voicethread with pictures of our school. We would like to know about your school too.
Please use the 'Record' function so we can hear your voices. If you don't have a microphone you can type in your replies.
Instructions :
Click the Comment button under the pictures in the Voicethread window.
Either select Record (preferable) or Type to record your response on each page.
You can comment on each page separately.
We would love to hear your voices.
Learning about Volume and Capacity
6 years ago
We have 30 children in our class.
We like your uniform,we wear navy and our jumpers have a Nightingale bird on them.
We only have wild rabbits that come on the field but we have a big wild life area with a pond and have frogs,toads,butterflies and dragonflies,sometimes ducks too.We have lots of different birds,some nest and have chicks.We have even had deer on the field.
Daniel & Lucy
Nightingale First
Hello, we love your school.
It is Summer hear but the sun doesn't shine much as we are getting lots of rain.
We think your playground is fantastic,we are very lucky and have a castle,train,boat and Dr Who Tardis to play in,we also have a big sand pit and 2 trimtrails.
We do have a library but it is not as jazzy as your's.
Jasmine & Andrew
Nightingale First School
Thank you for introducing your school to us.
We have 22 students in our class. We wear uniform too. A gold polo shirt and black shorts(for the boys)and skirts (for the girls).
We have a playhouse on our playground. Our school is in the country and we are not in a big town. We do not have a class pet, but we do have a school dog, Coco.
Bye for now. :-)
Room 4 - Broadlands School (NZ)
Hi Quadblogging Buddies,
Thank you for inroducing yourselves to us. Your schools sound like they are exciting with your school dog and other animals near the pond.
We would like to ask Nightingale First School a question - What is a trimtrail?
Mrs David and Prep D
We are learning about maths to day too.I can count to 100 :)
Hi Mrs David & Prep D,
A trimtrail is an outside activity area,I think you may know it as a jungle gym. We have a slide and a bridge and bars that we can hang upsidedown on and ropes to climb.It is so much fun.Sometimes the teachers go down the slide too. :)
Mrs Harts Class
Nightingale First
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