Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ambient Orchestras

We have had an amazing day today. We were encouraged to create our own dance, music and lyrics for songs about the four seasons ~ summer, autumn, winter and spring. After we composed our own song then put everything together and performed it in front of the school. It was fantastic to hear everyone applaud us!
Thank you John and Lex for helping and teaching us.


Middle Matters said...

Dear Juniors,
I was lucky enough to be working close enough to hear the marvellous music and drama taking place!
I loved how everyone cooperated to produce the final performance.

Mrs Yore

Vgridley said...

Hi Junior D,
what a fabulous day we all shared yesterday.
I was amazed at what awesome Musicians you all are. A Great Blog Post! :)
What was something that you learned yesterday?
What can we now all do as teams?
Mrs Gridley

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