Sunday, October 28, 2012

UNICEF Day for Children

On Friday we came to school dressed in blue to raise over $300 for UNICEF's Day for Children.  We know how lucky we are to have the opportunity to go to school and learn with our friends.  We hope that every child all over the world will have this same opportunity.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finding Out About Recycling

On Wednesday our class went to CERES and Nick showed us how we could recycle food scraps, rubbish and paper to make new things. We discovered which types of rubbish could go in to the recycle bin and compost bin. Did you know that not all plastic can be recycled? We had fun holding worms and finding out that the baby worms are in a sac which is under the worm's saddle. Nick also told us that worms keep our soil healthy. Have you ever gone on a minibeast hunt in your garden? What did you find? Just before lunch we went for a walk along Merri Creek and Nick showed us the spot where the rubbish from the streets and gutters gets caught beore it goes in to the creek. This rubbish is collected every month. At the end of our day we had fun creating our own paper! I wonder what we could use this for? Here are some of our recounts about our excursion.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Creating Shapes

In Maths this week we have been revisiting 2D and 3D shapes. Creating Shapes on PhotoPeach

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My Mum Came To My School

Yesterday we were lucky to have Aly's mum come to our classroom and speak to us about what St. Luke's was like when she came here as a student. Rachael came to St. Luke's in 1986 and she was here for Years 4,5 and 6. These are some of the interesting facts that she shared with us -
  • the Discovery Centre used to be the toilets
  • they had Tuck Shop everyday
  • the Senior Rooms were the Staffroom and Library
  • there were no whiteboards just blackboards
  • there were no computers in the classrooms
  • the Hall used to be the Church
  • the Hall hasn't changed
  • the children wore woollen jumpers with no emblem
  • they didn't have Letterland
  • the children got awards
  • children could wear a school badge
  • the playground equipment was made out of wood so the children used to get splinters
  • Mrs Luzza taught her
  • Mrs Davey drove Rachael home from school
Thank you Rachael for sharing your memories with us.
    One of Rachael's School Awards
    Aly and her mum, Rachael


Revisiting History

As part of our celebrations for St. Luke's 50th Anniversary we planted fruit trees with the help of our local Bunnings store. We discovered that the site that our school is built on used to be an orchard so we thought it would be a wonderful idea to plant some fruit trees as part of our celebrations. Thank you Ms Scott for organising this - we have now seen history in the making! Do you know what the land that your school is built on used to be used for?

Our Celebrations Continue!

Today we celebrated St. Luke's Feast Day with our Grandparents! We had heaps of fun sharing stories, our work and games with them. We enjoyed a yummy lunch of sausages and icy-poles! Mrs David's mum even came. What is your favourite thing to do with your grandparents? Our Celebrations Continue! on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Making Groups

In Maths today we discovered how to create groups of objects and find their total. We were able to show the relationship between addition and multiplication - we are so clever!

4 groups of 6 is 24


Our Inquiry Action

Mary from RED (Recycling+Education=the Difference) came to speak to our class at the end of last term.
She spoke to us about recycling plastic to make something new and useful.

Here is her presentation - Our goal over the next few weeks is to collect heaps of flexible plastic bags so that we can use these to make something useful for our school community.

You can help us by getting your family and friends to collect flexible plastic and drop it in to our RED bin in our classroom.

Monday, October 15, 2012

50th Anniversary Celebrations!

Showcasing the Past and Present on PhotoPeach