Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Measuring Capacity

Over the last couple of days in our classroom we have been exploring capacity.
We estimated how many popcorn kernels would fit in to a cup then we made the popcorn to see how the capacity would change. We discovered that we could fit more uncooked popcorn in the cup.
Yesterday we were given the challenge of creating our own boxes using tape and cover paper. We were able to use the nets of other boxes to help us with our creating. After we had made the boxes then we had to estimate how many unifix blocks would fit in the box. We then put the blocks in to check our estimates.
Our final challenge was to make another box with a greater capacity.
We found that this activity was great for problem solving, estimating and checking estimates.

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Problem Solving at St Lukes

To celebrate Literacy and Numeracy Week we walked around the school to solve problems.
We discovered that it would take 4 hexagons to cover the shape.
The numbers were 4 and 7.
We could have 50c and 50c in one hand and a $1 coin in the other hand. Each hand would have the same amount of money.
We coloured in a quarter of 16 squares and discovered that a quarter would be 4.
We discovered that many numbers could have a difference of 5. Some of the numbers we chose were 2 and 7, 1 and 6 and 13 and 18.
We worked out that the cheapest was silver, then gold, followed by white gold and the dearest was diamonds.
We found out that these four numbers would total 78 (3, 45, 19 and 11).
We had to use 4 5's to make an answer between 1 and 10. We discovered that 5+5+5-5 =10.

We had a great time wandering around our school to solve the problems.

Problem Solving at St Lukes on PhotoPeach

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Playdoh Fractions

Today we discovered how to show fractions using playdoh shapes and plastic knives. We made a circle, square and rectangle to divide in to fractions.
Using the playdoh helped us to remember what 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 are. We found it easier to remember the fractions after making them.

While investigating different fractions we learnt that ~
1. Halves are two equal parts of one whole
2. Thirds are three equal parts of one whole
3. Quarters are four equal parts of one whole

Masterchef Mums

WOW! We have been so lucky to have 5 Masterchef Mums who came and cooked in our classroom with us. They made delicious apple crumble, healthy rice paper rolls, yummy san choy bow, scrumptious homemade raspberry and white chocolate icecream, delightful spinach pies and crunchy double choc chip cookies. We were so full that we didn't need to eat our lunch yesterday!

During our cooking experiences we made some new discoveries.
Raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables. (Tessa)
The darker the green colour of the vegetable the healthier it is for us. (Piers, Jack, Jamie, Angus and Peter)
When you cook apples and spinach the amount gets smaller. (Ben, Grace)
We discovered how to make crumble using flour, sugar, coconut and butter. (Ruby,Kitty and Ava)
I learnt how to roll up the cookies. (Connor)
I tasted and discovered new recipes. (Natasha)
I learnt how to use a fork to press down the cookie dough. (Josen)
I learnt that when you put the cookies in the oven their shape changes. (Jasmine)
We need to be careful working in the kitchen with hot ovens and frypans. (Jack)
I learnt that when you use self raising flour in your cooking it helps it to rise. (Ben)
Herbs give our food taste and colour.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Guest Chef - Kim

Today we were very lucky to have another guest chef in our classroom.
Kim came in today and made 'pork dumplings' with us. She used pork mince, a carrot, ginger, spring onions, soy sauce, sesame oil, cornflour and won ton wrappers. Kim told us that she bought some of the ingredients from the Asian Grocery store that we visited at Forest Hill.
While Kim was cooking with us we made some new discoveries about cooking ~

*chefs use different sized graters for different foods
*steaming is another way of cooking food
*chefs put water on the edges of the won ton wrappers to help them stick together
*to steam food you need to put the steamer over boiling water
*we found out the difference between boiling and simmering - boiling water has bubbles with steam while simmering water just has steam

Thank you Kim for coming in to enhance our learning.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our People

We are investigating how to make a healthy meal to share at St. Luke's so we thought that we would use fresh ingredients to make people that we could eat later. This activity gave us the opportunity to taste some fruits and vegetables before they are cooked. We discovered that potatoes and brussel sprouts need to be cooked before we eat them!
We used round fruit and vegetables for the head and sometimes parts of our bodies fell off. When we poked the toothpicks in we were squirted with juice! Long, thin vegetables were great to use for arms and legs. It was tricky cutting with plastic knives!
Our people were colourful, healthy and delicious!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Guest Chefs

As part of our inquiry unit we have invited our parents in to be guest chefs. This week Jennine came to our class and cooked fried rice and sausauge rolls with us.

Sausage Rolls and Fried Rice on PhotoPeach

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why do we need money?

As part of our Numeracy session today we talked about why we need money. After the discussion we came to the understanding that we need money for most things in our life - food, shelter, warmth, transport, clothing, sport, education and the list goes on.
We discovered that shops sell different items. We were given the task of creating our own shop and pricing the items in our shop. No items could cost more than $2.

After we had priced our items and made signs for our shops we went on a learning walk to each other's shops. We discovered -
*each shop sold someting different
*the items were quite cheap
*some items had the same price
*one shop had their own web address
*one item was priced at 1c (we discussed the concept of rounding with this item)
*some shops stood out because their signs were bright

Tomorrow we have time to go shopping! We have 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1 and $2 coins to use when we are shopping. We are wondering what we can buy.

The Kingdom of God

Today we made bread and we discussed that yeast is the ingredient needed to make the dough grow and change. We compared this to the Kingdom of God that keeps growing and changing when everyone lives the way God taught us to. The Kingdom of God is here and now. It is how we treat each other with peace, love, justice and integrity.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Learning in Action (Fresh Food at Forest Hill)

To begin our learning process we decided on the healthy dessert that we would like to create and share with the other Juniors at our school.Our class decided to buy ingredients to make a fruit salad. We made a shopping list of all the fruits we would like to buy for our salad. Then we talked about our budget and how some fruits are more expensive than others. We decided to buy more of the cheaper fruits. Our next task was to think about the utensils that we would need to make and serve our dessert.
We walked to our local shopping centre, Forest Hill Chase. It took us about 45 minutes to get there. While we were there we visited the butcher, baker, fish shop, asian grocers and fruit and vegetable shop. We were looking at the types of fresh food these outlets sold. We were lucky enough to taste some fresh bread, fresh fruit and shell fish. Yum!
We bought our fruit and then caught the bus back to begin our cooking. Some of the mums stayed and helped us to prepare our fruit for the salad.
We enjoyed a shared lunch of dips, sandwiches and fruit salad all bought and created by us - the students!
This was one of the best learning experiences that we have had because we were a 'real' part of the inquiry process.

Our Learning in Action on PhotoPeach

What has helped us learn so far? How has this helped us learn?

During our inquiry unit we are trying to find out the answer to our rich question - How can we create a healthy meal to share at St. Lukes?
We reflected on the things that have helped us learn and how they have helped us. Here are some of our reflections.

The food pyramid has helped me learn about healthy and unhealthy food. (Ben)
Our guest speaker helped me learn about the types of food that I should be eating everyday. (Jasmine)
Jacqui, our guest speaker, told me that a tomato is a fruit and not a vegetable. (Peter)
My teacher told me about healthy fruit and vegetables. (Connor)
Going to Forest Hill and listeing to the shop keepers taught me about how food is prepared. (Ruby)
At Forest Hill seeing all the fresh food shops helped me learn about where food comes from? (Josen)
Reading books has helped me learn about food and how is helps us. (Tessa)
We learn from each other. (Jack)
Going to St. Thomas' helped me learn more about growing vegetables and using these to make food. (Natasha)
Planting our vegetable patch has helped me learn how to plant plants and look after them. (Ruby)
Making our own food has helped us to learn how to choose the right ingredients for a healthy meal. (Tessa)
People in my class helped me learn that not everyone can eat every type food. (Angus)
Jacqui helped me learn that I have to eat a rainbow of food everyday to stay healthy. (Will B.)
Cooking at school taught me how to create a healthy meal. (Jasmine)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Visit to St. Thomas'

St. Thomas' Vegetable Garden on PhotoPeach

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What Is An Orange?

Today we wondered what an orange was like. After looking at, feeling and smelling the orange we discovered that an orange is round, orange, hard, smooth and quite heavy.
We cut the orange in half and discovered that it has pith in the middle, membranes to divide the segments and juice sacs in each segment.
Interesting facts about oranges ~
*They do not grow in the Northern Territory and Tasmania because it is too hot or too cold.
*The bigger the navel on an orange the sweeter the orange is.
*Oranges can produce their own sunscreen.
*Oranges belong to the citrus family.
*Oranges provide our bodies with vitamin C.

Rainbow of Food

On Tuesday we were lucky to have one of our mums come to talk to us about eating a 'rainbow' of food. Jacqui Johnson told us that we need to eat a variety of food to keep our engines running.
We need to eat food to provide us with energy.
Food also provides our body with nutrients to grow and fix our body.
Children need 2 pieces of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables a day.
We discovered that some foods provide us with 'quick' energy and other foods provide us with 'long lasting' energy.
We also discovered that the food choices we make as children can have an impact on our health and happiness as an adult.

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus? on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Creating Skyscrapers

Creating Skyscrapers on PhotoPeach
Creating Skyscrapers on PhotoPeach